Fear is an odd feeling all people experience in some form at some time in their lives. There are many different types of fears, some more unhealthy than others.Imaginary fears are fears of things or people who don’t exist. Their origin is in the mind of the one with the fear.For example, when children are afraid of ghosts in their closets or monsters under their beds. These things don’t really exist, but the child believes in their mind that there really are ghosts and monsters. Another example is when people are afraid of a branch scraping a window. the branch really exist, but that is not what the person is afraid of.
They are afraid of the image in their mind of an eight foot, three hundred pound man with a knife trying to break into their house. The mind often plays tricks and people’s imagination go wild, causing people to fear things that don’t even exist. If one keeps their mind control, they can control this type of fear. Fears of speculation are also fears that don’t exist, but that could be possible. Such as, the fear of being hurt, the fear of getting into a car accident, the fear of losing a loved one,the fear of rejection, or the fear of financial insecurity.
These things could happen to anyone, but if builds their life around these “what if” fears they lose out on life because they focus more on their fear, than on living life to the fullest. If one lets their mind speculate about the bad things that could happen to them or their loved ones, they can cause harm both to the one who speculate and to the ones around them. These fears of speculation can become debilitating if one lets them. Sometimes people get so afraid of what might happen to them that they don’t do anything, they don’t live, thinking that it cant hurt them.
Therefore, fear can harm not just one person, but the people around them. Fear is a powerful object it can control a person without them knowing.